Quick and Delicious Cream Cheese Frosting for Cakes and Cupcakes

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Cream Cheese is the most common frosting used for Cakes and Cupcakes. The cupcakes go perfectly with the creamy, fluffy sweet icing with the tang of cream cheese!


cheese frosting, cream cheese frosting, frosting cupcake, cupcake recipe, cupcake frosting recipes, cake frosting, cake recipe

  • Cream cheese
  • Soft icing sugar / powdered sugar
  • Butter 
  • Vanilla 
  • Salt 


1. Beat the butter until it’s smooth and starts to become pale in color.
2. Secondly,  add cream cheese and beat it further until it becomes soft and smooth.
3. Add icing sugar in 4 batches, beating in between until well incorporated.
4. After that you can add the vanilla and salt and beat for a couple of minutes until fluffy. If you want some color, you can add a food coloring of your choice.
5. Transfer into a piping bag with desired piping tip and pipe onto the cupcake, swirling it up nice!