How To Save Your Money - Stop Wasting ! Start Saving !

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"Do not save what's left after spending, But spend what's left after saving!"
We always look for the saving methods to help in creating a bright future after your working life ends, or for future use. Embracing money saving method is crucial, and knowing the right steps to take will make the process much easier.
All of us want to save some money at the end of the month. But it couldn't work and even we couldn't manage the last days of the month until we get the next month salary. The problem is we are unable to find good saving methods. OK, here I write some proven methods and tips which will help you to save some money. Obviously, not all of these tips will apply to everyone. Just go through the list and find few methods and start applying them to your life. When you do, you may quickly find that you’re saving more money than you ever thought possible.

1.Don't spend on the unnecessary thing.
You may hear this thousand of time.A common thing that your parents or elder always tell you. But sometimes you don't have any idea of what are those unnecessary things. Unnecessary things are the things we don't really use. Such as Membership and subscription services are among the biggest ways that we can lose track of where our cash goes. Just grab a highlighter pen and take a look at your bank statements. If you're seeing recurring payments you don't recognize, find out what they are, and cancel them if you don't need them. And also understand the difference between wants and needs. All wants are not your needs. Make sure to spend your valuable money on the really necessary things, not on unnecessary wants. 

2. Make a shopping list 

alt="save money,money saving tricks,business profile,business,savings,shopping list"Just get a pen and piece of paper or simply phone notepad and write down thing you want to buy before you go shopping, and make sure you stick to it. Creating a list before you go to the grocery store is especially important. Not only can it help you buy items that fit with your meal plan, but it can also help you avoid buying food you might waste. This method is one of the easiest ways to save money. Because when you’re without a shopping list, you typically end up making impulse buys and unplanned purchases all things that cost money. Mostly, many things you buy do not seem all that necessary, and you save a lot if you could only wait for a day or two. Additionally, by waiting you will be able to check the prices and make a well-versed decision to buy it at the best price.

3. Don't spend your life paying Bills

Simply you get a salary and spend all of those on bills and then you start crying you don't have money to enjoy yourself or to save for a bright future. The main bills we pay are electric, water, internet and telephone bills. We can't live without those things, the point is what about the money you spend on bills become lower.Yes then only you can save some money for yourself. To save as much as you can, turn off lights any time you leave your house or even when you leave the room. Turning off lights when you have plenty of natural sunlight can also help keep your electric bill down over time. Simple, If you aren’t using a light, turn it off.Another one big way to save money is to drastically cut down on the amount of television you watch. There are a lot of financial benefits to this such as less exposure to spending-inducing ads, a lower electric bill and you have more time to focus on other things in life
alt="save money,money saving tricks,business profile,business,savings,pay bills"And also don't waste water too much. Always remember when you're washing something or bathing make sure you don't waste water too much. And also you spend lots of money on paying the internet and telephone bills. As you know internet bills are increasing when the amount of GB you've used.If you use lesser amount then the bill becomes lower. When watching videos on the internet make sure to watch them after downloading them.If not you may wast lots of GB. To lower the telephone bill, simply don't use your phone too much. Without any effort, you can cut the telephone bills. 

4.Adopt the 30-day rule

waiting 30 days to decide on a purchase is an excellent way to implement that rule. The 30-day rule basically involves waiting a month to test whether you want to spend the money on a particular thing. Quite often, after a month has passed, you’ll find that the urge to buy has passed as well, and you’ll have saved yourself some money simply by waiting. If you’re on the fence about a purchase anyway, waiting a while can give you a better perspective on whether it’s truly worth the money. It's a great way of setting boundaries and rules about discretionary spending.

5. Save the change
alt="save money,money saving tricks,business profile,business,savings,collect money"We used to keep the change in our pockets at the end of the day. We’d toss it at our cupboard or put it in a bowl or in the jar. This method of keeping the change could quickly add up to a few hundred dollars that could then be used for groceries and entertainment. So in the future, each day when you come home from work, take out any loose change and place it in the jar and empty your pockets before going upstairs to change. This is one of the proven and effective ways to save money.
6.Eat Homemade foods
Eating homemade foods not only save your money also improve your health. Lots of time we buy some foods from outsides just because of not having enough time to prepare the meals. I'll tell you the method. You can easily prepare your breakfast in the morning if you wake up earlier. To make it easier you prepare ingredient for the last night. You can also carry your lunch from the too. For that, on the weekend you can prepare some pre-made food which is enough for the week and keep them in the refrigerator. Then in every morning you can heat or bake them. Then your lunch box is also ready.In the dinner, you have enough time. So you can have a light meal. This is one of the best and time-saving methods. And it also saves a large amount of money too. You can save some amount of money you gonna spend on the outside foods.
alt="save money,money saving tricks,business profile,business,savings,eat homemade foods"Drinking water is another method, but how? Let me explain. Normally you spend money to buy some beverages. But instead of that, you can easily replace water for those beverages. Isn't that cool? Drinking water not only saves your money, also keep you hydrated, improve your health, enhance your beauty and lot more things. Drink a big glass of water before each meal in order to stay fuller longer and ultimately eat less. And then you can get tap water free. So why you gonna spend your money on unhealthy expensive beverages.
If you cant can’t avoid dining out, maximize your savings with coupons and a rewards credit card that gives a bonus for restaurant spending.

7.Invite friends over instead of going out

alt="save money,money saving tricks,business profile,business,savings,invite friends home"
Going out to eat or “out on the town” has a way of completely destroying both your food budget and your entertainment budget in one fell swoop. And no matter what, it is always cheaper to stay in with friends and come up with your own entertainment. And mind the company you keep. We all have friends who know how to live it up.While they might be fun around, when you're trying to stick to a budget, it might be worth taking a break from their spendthrift ways. You do not need to go out with your friends. Just invite them to your home and have some fun. You can play cards, sit around a fire pit, or watch movies with your guests. You’ll all save money and have a blast.